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Dominique Renaud


Project "Guardians of the last drop"

On the lookout for the first dew pearl, They watch over their treasure, Will water one day Be as precious as gold? These 2 birds are part of my series "monoplumes" birds made of a single feather, representing the endangered animal or plant species. The first feather to form the wings essential to flight towards freedom or the last feather of a long period of thirsty plucking? Sticking these birds permanently to the ground? Are we these birds right now? What will it be tomorrow? The beginning or the end?

Dominique Renaud - France, Art Jam in Højer 2023

Project "Guardians of the last drop", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"Guardians of the last drop", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"Guardians of the last drop", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"Guardians of the last drop", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"Guardians of the last drop", Art Jam in Højer 2023

Jam 2023 >