Project "I am Confused"
This project addresses the current confusion in man's relationship with nature in
the face of dramatically changing climate conditions nowadays. The idea of a
figure with most of the body covered by a large hat came out of the thought that
I believe another way to highlight a serious subject in all its nakedness
sometimes might be to present it in a direct narrative in art, by keeping a sense
of humor and a little hyperbole.

Urun Unal - Turkey, Art Jam in Højer 2023

Project "I am Confused", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"I am Confused", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"I am Confused", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"I am Confused", Art Jam in Højer 2023

"I am Confused", Art Jam in Højer 2023