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Location 7


Metal on wood 140cm

Herbert Nouwens - Netherlands

The artwork, shaped as a minimalist cube, symbolizes life and the dissonance between the visible and the hidden. At first glance, the cube is minimalistic and simple, easy to understand. But inside there is a lot going on. Just like in life. We never see the full picture, we may mistakenly believe that we fully understand and clearly see the world in which we operate and live, but we also know that there is always more to the story than what is presented to us on the outside.

“Cube”, Metal on wood 140cm, Art Jam Road 2023

Herbert Nouwens - Netherlands, Art Jam Road 2023

“Cube”, Metal on wood 140cm, Art Jam Road 2023

“Cube”, Metal on wood 140cm, Art Jam Road 2023

Artwork “Cube” location during Art Jam Road 2023:

Road 2023 >